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Stars over Chéticamp Island, Nova Scotia. This photo was taken in August from the back deck of our rental house using my Nikon D90. I have a tripod but not the remote shutter release, so I had to stand and hold open the shutter with my finger, resulting in a bit of blurriness. I kept the shutter open for more than a minute, but the raw image was still too dark, so I further enhanced it on iPhoto, hence the reddish glow under the eaves of the house. The final effect is striking, but it is not what I saw when I looked up at the sky that night. The photo makes the sky seem closer, but that night the sky seemed to me bigger, farther away. I stood there, tired, trying to catch something of it. Yet, gone are the sharpness of the stars, the cold, brackish wind, the lapping of the water on the shore below me, the spooky, deep blackness of the ocean at night.


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I’ve never been able to write 
Without looking over my own shoulder, 
Wondering just what it was
I was getting at anyway.

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Jesus pours drinks at the foldout bar_
Two martinis. Shaker rings on the leather top. 
He turns to you, biting an olive. This is
The moment you’ve been waiting for:
	Say it! Say it!
Aw, but the moment’s past. So
You sip. You make nervous chatting.
Years later, you’ll think about that night.
About all that was, all that might have been.

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Earn your bones, they say,
  but bones fade.
Breathtaking how fast
  those desks will forget you. 

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Daddy come here,
Let me talk in your ear:
I made a poop!
And she did.
And it was_
A gray-green gherkin
Standing proudly in the bowl.


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Admiral:    A Definitional Issue—
		We need a shared vocabulary
		to move away from “common 
		operating picture” to 
		“common knowledge system.”

Executive:  A Programmatic Issue—
		We need a concrete budget 
		build in the POM over the FDIP.
		Where’s the requirement on 
		which to hang this concept?

Consultant: A Cultural Issue—
		We won’t get there with 
		technology alone…who are
		the critical enablers who will
		catalyze this sea change?

Jim:          When I hear this static, it’s like_
		It’s like I am holding a ticket
		to a dull but earnest part of town
		where the gentry wear their jargon
		and every style hides a frown.

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Rex: I hate being alone.
  Know what I mean?
Cat sure didn’t_
There’re more ways
  to feel about things
Than things 
  to do the feeling. 