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A couple of months ago, I was thinking about how I would keep my site “fresh” in its second year of infancy. I was working through a lot of material that I had sitting around from years of futile scribbling and worried that I would run out of shit to rehash.

I proposed to myself that I would try to be looser and just sit down and hammer out things that I was thinking about. Despite inviting violations of my “no-blogging” dictum, this was at least an exercise in letting things flow.

So having wasted 92 words prefacing the following, I can now vouch for the fact that I am writing this in a Panera at 9:45 pm on a Friday night, “letting things flow.” Picture the bearded ündermensch in his go-to khakis and tee shirt force-feeding his computer in his undying quest to do something, something that isn’t utterly small and demonstratively mediocre.

And yet, the fact is that this—yes—blog post achieves nothing more than the aforementioned smallness and mediocrity doesn’t end the conversation. For it seems to me that the World Wide Web is history’s greatest pulpit for all that is small and mediocre.

It is where the small and mediocre come to crow and cry and jump up and down in the hope, if not for adulation, then at least for the ephedrine bump of the almighty “like”—by which the crowd merely says, yes, we see you. You exist. Now back to Snapchat and Sudoku.
